2015 Horoscope | Capricorn | Nothing But The Best (We are/do/get)

2015 Horoscope | Capricorn | Nothing But The Best (We are/do/get).

2015 Horoscope | Capricorn

2015 Horoscope Capricorn

Year 2015 Horoscope- Capricorn

Capricorn 2015 Horoscope

With your ruler, Saturn, moving out of your 11thhouse of friendships and goals onDecember 23rd, you may be pleased to hear that any pressure that has fallen on a friendship over the last few years should lift. Kiss, make-up, reach out, and connect, as good, happy energy returns to your social life.

With Saturn moving into your shadow-y 12th house for the next few years, you may get to work on a behind-the-scenes project that will take a while to launch. It might take some grunt work, and it could be that the next few years won’t be your most visible. However, if you work hard, by the time Saturn reaches your sign in December 2017, you may have a viable launch on your hands!

The negative expression of Saturn in the 12th is that you may find you have more negative thoughts than usual, or the health of a loved one could come up for review. If this happens, trust that the fog will pass, and do all you can to keep your or another’s spirits up.

Work and Money

The New Year sees you focused on your income, with not one but TWO new moons in your salary sector in January, suggesting a sum of money could be on its way to you.

The first new moon occurs on January 20th holding hands with your ruler, Saturn, in your closure house. This is a beautiful new moon, and it seems you could make money from a creative project or from the sale of a product or project. If you work in a medical or institutional profession, you may even get a raise. With Mercury going retrograde the following day (on January 21st) in this same sector, it seems you could be re-evaluating your entire financial picture! While this is a good time to review and plan, try not to make any monetary commitments while Mercury is retrograde.

February 18th brings ANOTHER new moon to Aquarius and your income house, a rare astrological event called a Black Moon- when two new moons occur in one calendar month. This is not to be confused with a Blue Moon, which occurs when there are two FULL moons in the same calendar month. This particular black moon is right on the cusp of Pisces, forming a loose square to Saturn in your closure sector, meaning that it’s a bit angrier than that first new moon. It seems you could learn of some discouraging financial news at this time.

Luckily, you still have lucky Jupiter transiting your 8th house of shared finances until August, offering rare protection to your bank account. In fact, February 3rd could bring you the financial break you’ve been looking for, when a full moon occurs in this sector, conjunct good luck charm Jupiter and smooching Uranus and the North Node in your home and career sectors. If you get a bonus on the job, you may use it to upgrade your digs, or it’s possible this money even comes from your family. You might even be approved for an important loan at this time or receive funding for a company.

April 4th could bring more good money and career news, with the lunar eclipse in your professional sector conjunct the fated North Node and smooching Jupiter in your money sector. Just be careful- this eclipse will square Pluto in your own sign of Capricorn, suggesting that this news could uproot your life in some way!


Your home life has been all over the place since 2012, due to the Uranus/Pluto square affecting your home, family, and identity sectors. The last square in the series occurs on March 16th, 2015, suggesting there could be one more move or familial hiccup in your future.

Luckily, this is the last time these planets will battle in your lifetime (although they will still be in close degree throughout all of 2015) so hopefully after this year you’ll be able to stay put for a while!

If news doesn’t come in March, look to the September 27thlunar eclipse falling in this same sector of home and family. This eclipse is beautifully angled to your ruler, Saturn, in your closure house, so if you do move, it appears to be a happy occasion, and one that could be in place for a very long time.


A series of eclipses start up on the Pisces/Virgo axis this year, suggesting that travel, writing, academic or international projects could be a focus for you over the next few years.

Look to March 20th, when a solar eclipse in Pisces could bring an important agreement or commitment your way. You may even decide to look for a new car at this time.

Then, the September 13th partial solar eclipse in Virgo could set you off on a whole new international or academic path, and you may even decide to launch a business or work on a project that requires breadth and scope.

Not only that, but good luck Jupiter moves into this same sector of foreign travel and higher thinking on August 11th,protecting and growing this area of life all the way untilSeptember 9th 2016!

Just in case you weren’t fully convinced that the Universe wants you to broaden your horizons in 2015, the beneficial North Node moves into Virgo and this same sector of foreign people and places on October 10th. Brush off that passport and pack your toothpaste- you just might jet set off to foreign country this year!

Love and Relationships

Love and relationships are not particularly emphasized this year, so whether you are single or in a relationship, it looks to be a status quo kind of year. Of course, you should read your horoscope for your rising sign as well, as that could paint a very different picture in love and romance.

The full moon on January 4th could cause some problems in a close relationship; so if you are already partnered up, try not to stir the pot around this time. It seems your partner will be going through a difficult time, and will need a hand to hold.

Later in the year, on July 15th, you will get a gorgeous new moon in your partnership sector, so if you are looking for a time to plan something special, this is it.

Another romantic day falls on October 26thwhen a full moon occurs in your fun and romance sector, reaching out to your commitment house, making for a lovely time to make a commitment in love, try for a baby, or even adopt.

Even better, Christmas Day 2015 brings a lovely full moon to your partnership sector, also reaching out to your commitment sector. What a great time to make things official with that special someone.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

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2015 Horoscope Capricorn
Positively Astrology
2015 love, career, money, and home forecast for Capricorn.

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